Automated on-demand cloud computing enabler
Automated, on-demand cloud computing for everyone. Easy.
The future is here. Achieve orders-of-magnitude productivity gain and cost reduction through cloud computing.
Your link to the cloud.
CloudFuzion makes doing parallel distributed computing on the cloud a practical reality for everyone.
Whether you are bootstrapping on the cloud for the first time or expanding an on-premises server cluster to meet peak demands, CloudFuzion is the link between you and the cloud that makes doing your computations easy and cost-effective.

Runs on any cloud. Easiest and lowest-cost on AWS.
Optimized for AWS, CloudFuzion manages all the activities between you and your cloud-based cluster in a fully automated fashion. You create the workload, CloudFuzion makes it happen on AWS. You don’t need to be a cloud computing expert to use the cloud.
CloudFuzion makes use of spot instances when possible, to lower your operating cost significantly.

On-demand, elastic and pay as you go.
CloudFuzion makes it easy to set up a fully automated, elastic and on-demand cloud-based cluster. Cloud resources are acquired automatically when you have jobs to run, and freed automatically once your jobs are done. You pay for the computing resources only when you use them.
Meet any-size demand, instantly, easily and at low cost.
AWS provides practically limitless scalability and you benefit from the economy of scale. CloudFuzion makes the benefits of cloud computing instantly accessible, simple, and cost-effective to the users. You can meet any-size computational demand immediately using low cost cloud resources.
Achieve orders of magnitude productivity gain and cost reduction.
No more cost-prohibitive CAPX and long delays for acquiring on-premises servers. CloudFuzion makes on-demand cloud computing a practical reality, and the surest way to achieve an unprecedented level of productivity gain and cost reduction.