EnFuzionSP Resources
Getting Started with EnFuzionSP
Welcome to the EnFuzionSP software resources section. This section provides news and resources to help you get started with the EnFuzionSP software.
Request a Free Trial
Axceleon offers free 30-day trial of the EnFuzionSP software.
Use the Free Trial menu to request a trial license.
Case Studies
Visit the Case Studies section to see examples of how to use the EnFuzionSP software to get the most out of a multicore laptop or workstation, to increase productivity and dramatically reduce simulation time forPSS®E simulations.
Product FAQ
This section provides answer to some frequently asked product questions for the EnFuzionSP software, including information on how to get started, and software licensing.
Release Information
Visit this section to see the available and upcoming versions of the EnFuzionSP software.
Request EnFuzionSP Trial License
Please fill out the form below to request a trial license of EnFuzionSP.
Case Studies
These case studies shows how to use EnFuzionSP to shorten power systems simulation time, to get more results in less time.
Using the PSS®E Dynamics Plug-in for EnFuzionSP
This case study shows how to use the Dynamics Plug-in for EnFuzionSP to run PSS®E dynamics simulations in parallel. The case study also shows how to use the plug-in to automate your work flow and achieve a one-step simualtion-analyze-plot process.
IID’s Advancements in the Next-day Study Process
This case study shows how IID is using EnFuzionSP to automate and speed up a full solution using GE PSLF and ProvisoHD for contingency analysis. This solution has allowed IID engineers more time to analyze the results instead of spending time setting up the study and waiting for results.
Product FAQ
These are product-level FAQs to help you get started with EnFuzionSP.
How do I update my EnFuzion Control Root license?
After you receive an EnFuzion license file for your Control Root, please make sure that the license string is exactly 80 characters long, without CR or LF at the end. Sometimes the license file may become corrupted when emailed, when extra LF, CR and special characters are added to the end of the license. Please inspect the license string and make sure to remove any additional characters.
Follow the steps below to install the new production license:
– Rename the file enflicense.txt. It MUST be called this name EXACTLY;
– Copy the file enflicense.txt to the Control Root computer, to the \Config subdirectory under your EnFuzion installation directory. Overwrite the previous license file with the same name;
– Using Task Manager, restart the enfStarterSvc service on the Control Root computer if you are using EnFuzion version 16.0 and later. If you are using earlier versions of EnFuzion, restart the EnFuzion Root Service from the Windows Program Start menu.
Please contact support@axceleon.com if you have any questions on how to update the software license on your cluster.
What kind of plug-ins are available for PSS®E simulations?
There are ready-to-use plug-ins for running PSS®E dynamics when your contingencies are written in Python scripts. There is another plug-in for running PSS®E dynamics when your contingencies are written in IDEV. Axceleon is actively developing more plug-ins. To get a roadmap of what’s coming, please contact sales@axcleon.com. The other ways of getting plug-ins are:
- We can modify or create a custom plug-in for you on contract.
- We can show you how to create your own plug-ins.
EnFuzionPWR or EnFuzionSP, which is right for me?
EnFuzionSP is the right answer because it includes the end-user interface and the plug-ins for the various power systems analysis software. It is also designed for use in multiple working modes, include standalone, clustered and shared mode.
How is the EnFuzionSP software licensed?
The EnFuzionSP software is licensed using the CodeMeter software from Wibu Systems. The license is version sensitive.
If you are evaluating the EnFuzionSP software, you can obtain a license by contact us at license@www.axceleon.com.
If you have purchased the EnFuzionSP software, please read the instructions on licensing in the EnFuzionSP Installation and Licensing Guide.
Where do I download the CodeMeter software?
We recommend that you download the CodeMeter software and documentation from the Axceleon download center. This is to ensure compatibility.
- CodeMeter Software: http://www2.axceleon.com/enfuzionsp-15.1/CodeMeterRuntime.exe
- CodeMeter Administrator Guide: http://www2.axceleon.com/enfuzionsp-15.1/CmAdmin_en.pdf
How do I run manually a job on the command line?
When an EnFuzionSP jobs fails, the key is to isolate the problem step-by-step, as follows:
- Step 1 – Always to check the EnFuzionSP log files for tips on what might have gone wrong.
- Step 2 – Manually run the failed job on the command line on a compute node to see whether you have an “EnFuzionSP problem” or application software problem.
Download Application Note SP-AN-1002 to see how to do this.
How do I send my diagnostic files to Axceleon?
We often ask you to send your diagnostic files in the course of technical support. These diagnostic files may be very big, so we suggest you use ftp to send these files.
Login Information
- Site: ftp.axceleon.com
- User name: ftpax
- Password: ftpax
Site Restrictions
Our FTP site is configured to act as a one-way mailbox. You can only upload files, but you cannot browse the directories or read from it.
FTP Clients
The standard Windows FTP client has very limited features, and it does not work reliably. We recommend that you use a third-party FTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP.
Release Information
Please see the table below for information on the most recent releases and the upcoming releases of the software. The information on older releases are available by request.
Release | Status | Updated | Request |
EnFuzionSP 16.0.5865 (Windows) | Released | April 11, 2019 | Request Download |