EnFuzionPWR Resources
Getting Started with EnFuzionPWR
Welcome to the EnFuzionPWR software resources section. This section provides news and resources to help you get started with the EnFuzionPWR software.
Request a Free Trial
Axceleon offers free 30-day trial of the EnFuzionPWR software. Use the Free Trial menu to request a trial license.
Case Studies
Visit the Case Studies section to see examples of how others have used the EnFuzionPWR software to automate and parallelize power systems simulations, and reduce simulation time dramatically.
Product FAQ
This section provides answer to some frequently asked product questions for the EnFuzionPWR software, including information on how to get started, and software licensing.
Release Information
Visit this section to see the available and upcoming versions of the EnFuzionPWR software.
Request Trial License
Please fill out the form below to request a trial license of the EnFuzionPWR software.
Case Studies
You can find case studies on how others have used EnFuzionPWR to speed-up and automate power systems simulations.
Speeding up PSS®E Transient Stability Studies
This case study demonstrates how to dramatically reduce the time required to perform a PSS®E transient stability analysis of power line faults by using multiple computers and EnFuzion. The use of EnFuzionPWR eases the task of defining large studies and switching between input data sets. By distributing the computing load across many computers, EnFuzionPWR also helps to significantly reduces the simulation time.
Speeding up PSLF Simulations
This case study describes how to use EnFuzionPWR with PSLF, power systems analysis software from GE Power Systems. By distributing execution over multiple computers, EnFuzionPWR helps users to get more results in less time. Through its job management and fault tolerant resource management capabilities, EnFuzionPWR also delivers productivity gain to the user.
Product FAQ
There are product-level FAQs to help you get started with EnFuzionPWR.
How do I update my EnFuzion Control Root license?
After you receive an EnFuzion license file for your Control Root, please make sure that the license string is exactly 80 characters long, without CR or LF at the end. Sometimes the license file may become corrupted when emailed, when extra LF, CR and special characters are added to the end of the license. Please inspect the license string and make sure to remove any additional characters.
Follow the steps below to install the new production license:
– Rename the file enflicense.txt. It MUST be called this name EXACTLY;
– Copy the file enflicense.txt to the Control Root computer, to the \Config subdirectory under your EnFuzion installation directory. Overwrite the previous license file with the same name;
– Using Task Manager, restart the enfStarterSvc service on the Control Root computer if you are using EnFuzion version 16.0 and later. If you are using earlier versions of EnFuzion, restart the EnFuzion Root Service from the Windows Program Start menu.
Please contact support@axceleon.com if you have any questions on how to update the software license on your cluster.
Where do I find more plug-ins for EnFuzionPWR to support my power systems simulation?
Axceleon is actively developing more plug-ins. To get a roadmap of what’s coming, please contact sales@axcleon.com. Other ways of getting plug-ins are:
- We can modify or create a custom plug-in for you on contract.
- We can show you how to create your own plug-in.
How is the EnFuzionPWR software licensed?
EnFuzionPWR software is licensed using license files called enflicense.txt. All software license files are version specific. If you have an active support contract with Axceleon, you can contact us at support@www.axceleon.com to get a new license file.
The EnFuzion Web page doesn’t start, what can I do?
When the EnFuzion Web page doesn’t start, the most likely reasons are:
– Missing or invalid license key
– The Root computer is running out of disk space
Follow these steps below to find the root cause of this problem:
– Try to start the EnFuzion Root process, i.e. enfdispatcher, manually. The instructions for how to start the EnFuzion Root process can be found in the EnFuzionPWR Installation and Licensing Guide.
– Using the Task Manager on Windows or the ps ax command on macOS and Linux to see if the enfdispatcher process is running.
– If the enfdispatcher process is not running, check the EnFuzion dispatcher log file for error messages. The dispatcher log file is on kept on the Root computer, called enfuzion.log, and located in the /work subdirectory under where EnFuzion is installed.
– If your EnFuzion license key is missing or invalid, install a valid license key.
– If your Root computer is running out of disk space, with less than a few MB available, the EnFuzion Root software records this in the enfuzion.log file and terminates. If this is the case, make more disk space available on the Root computer and reboot the machine or restart EnFuzion.
– If the log file enfuzion.log does not exist, delete all the files in the /work directory on the Root computer, and verify the user account that EnFuzion is running under, on the Root machine, has permission to write to the /work directory.
– If after you have installed a valid license and made sure that the Root computer has sufficient disk space, there is still no enfdispatcher process and no EnFuzion.log file after the machine is rebooted, verify that EnFuzion is configured to automatically start at the boot time. The instructions for how to do this can be found in the EnFuzionPWR Installation and Licensing Guide.
How do I send my diagnostic files to Axceleon?
We often ask you to send your diagnostic files in the course of technical support. These diagnostic files may be very big, so we suggest you use ftp to send these files.
Login Information
- Site: ftp.axceleon.com
- User name: ftpax
- Password: ftpax
Site Restrictions
Our FTP site is configured to act as a one-way mailbox. You can only upload files, but you cannot browse the directories or read from it.
FTP Clients
The standard Windows FTP client has very limited features, and it does not work reliably. We recommend that you use a third-party FTP client such as FileZilla or WinSCP.
Release Information
Please check the table below for the most recent releases and the upcoming releases. The information on older version of the software is available by request.
Release | Status | Updated | Request |
EnFuzionPWR 16.0.5865 (Windows) | Released | April 11, 2019 | Request Download |